Dragon Fruit Powder

Prodcut name : dragon fruit powder
Latin Name : Hylocereus polyrhizus
Appearance : pink powder
Mesh size : 80 Mesh or 100Mesh
Used Part : Fruit
Grade : Food ingredients
Test Method : TLC

1. Particulars :

Dragon fruit powder is processed from pure natural dragon fruit, without fiber impurities, and the water solubility test is good. Dragon fruit powder is rich in protein vitamins, trace elements such as selenium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium and natural pigment anthocyanin, has the effect of whitening and losing weight, preventing anemia and hardening of the arteries, and is widely used in beverages, baking ingredients, etc.

2. Function and efficacy :

Prevent hardening of arteries

Dragon fruit powder is high in anthocyanins, a potent antioxidant that can effectively prevent hardening of the arteries, thereby preventing heart attacks and strokes caused by blood clot formation; it also fights free radicals , effective anti-aging; can also improve the prevention of brain cell degeneration, inhibit the occurrence of dementia.

Detoxification and stomach protection

Dragon fruit powder is rich in plant-based albumin, which is rarely found in ordinary vegetables and fruits. This active albumin will automatically combine with heavy metal ions in the human body and be excreted through the excretory system, thereby detoxifying. In addition, albumin has a protective effect on the stomach lining.

Whitening weight loss

Dragon fruit powder is rich in vitamin C for skin whitening and rich in water-soluble dietary fiber for weight loss, lowering blood sugar, moisturizing the intestines and preventing colorectal cancer.

Prevent anemia

Dragon fruit powder is high in iron. Iron is an indispensable element in the manufacture of hemoglobin and other iron substances. Intake of an appropriate amount of iron can also prevent anemia.

Boost immunity

Dragon fruit powder has shown positive effects on tumor growth, virus infection and immune response inhibition, and has the effects of lowering cholesterol, moistening the intestines, and preventing colorectal cancer.

3. Application :

It is mainly used in food industry to make delicious food and enhance appetite.

It is used in cosmetics industry to effectively resist aging.

It is used in medical field as a health product.


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