Griffonia Seed Extract

English name: Griffonia Seed Extract
Latin name: Griffonia simplicifolia L.
Extraction source: Dried seeds of the legume grain of Griffonia
Appearance: White powder
Chemical composition: Polysaccharide, protein, oil,5- hydroxytryptophan
Function: Antidepressant, central analgesic effect, hypnotic effect, affect neuroendocrine activity.

What is Griffonia Seed Extract?

Griffonia Seed Extract is extracted from dried seeds of the legume grain of Griffonia. Its main chemical composition is 5-hydroxytryptophan and has white powder appearance. Griffonia Seed Extract also contains phytosterols, terpenoids, alkaloids, saponins and other active substances, which have immeasurable potential application value. In addition, it is also quite rich in nutrients, including a variety of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, especially in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and zinc have a high content.


What is the function of Griffonia Seed Extract?

1. Antidepressant:

5-hydroxytryptophan is a hormone produced by the brain that affects mood, sleep and appetite, causing an imbalance in serotonin in the brain that is needed to maintain the body's normal state. 5-hydroxytryptophan, which increases serotonin production in brain cells and serotonin levels. In addition, 5-hydroxytryptophan is used in the body to produce serotonin, which is essential for normal nerve function and brain function. 5-hydroxytryptophan helps you sleep. It can also effectively control pain and treat depression.

2. Hypnosis:

The body uses vitamin B6 to produce 5-hydroxytryptophan, the precursor of the neurohormone that promotes sleep and mental stability.

3. Effects on neuroendocrine activity:

5-hydroxytryptophan can be transformed into some hormones directly involved in endocrine activities, and 5-hydroxytryptophan can be transformed into the central neurotransmitter indirectly affecting the release of neurohormones.

4. To lose weight;

In the process of losing weight, Griffonia Seed Extract can improve the sensitivity of satiety center and reduce hunger, making the process of losing weight easier and easier to achieve.


Extraction method:

1. Hydrothermal reflux extraction method: 5g of Griffonia Seed Extract was taken and extracted with 50mL distilled water at 80℃ for two hours by thermal reflux extraction. Filtrate was collected and water volume was constant to 50mL.

2. Ethanol thermal reflux extraction method: 5g of Griffonia Seed Extract was extracted with 50mL concentration of 50% ethanol solution at 80℃ for two hours by thermal reflux extraction. Filtrate was collected by filtration and constant volume of 50% ethanol solution was used to 50mL.

3. Ultrasonic water extraction method: 5g Griffonia Seed Extract was extracted with 50mL distilled water for 30min, filtrate was filtered and collected, and the volume of water was constant to 50mL.

Storage: Place in a cool and dry place, away from light and high temperature.

Application: Medicine, health care products


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